package main

// GetDocumentsApiResponse is the response payload for /documents endpoint.
// But we are only interested in a subset of the fields.
type GetDocumentsApiResponse struct {
	Count int `json:"count"`
	// Next     interface{} `json:"next"`
	// Previous interface{} `json:"previous"`
	All     []int                          `json:"all"`
	Results []GetDocumentApiResponseResult `json:"results"`

// GetDocumentApiResponseResult is a part of the response payload for /documents endpoint.
// But we are only interested in a subset of the fields.
type GetDocumentApiResponseResult struct {
	ID            int `json:"id"`
	Correspondent int `json:"correspondent"`
	// DocumentType        interface{}   `json:"document_type"`
	// StoragePath         interface{}   `json:"storage_path"`
	Title   string `json:"title"`
	Content string `json:"content"`
	Tags    []int  `json:"tags"`
	// Created             time.Time     `json:"created"`
	// CreatedDate         string        `json:"created_date"`
	// Modified            time.Time     `json:"modified"`
	// Added               time.Time     `json:"added"`
	// ArchiveSerialNumber interface{}   `json:"archive_serial_number"`
	// OriginalFileName    string        `json:"original_file_name"`
	// ArchivedFileName    string        `json:"archived_file_name"`
	// Owner               int           `json:"owner"`
	// UserCanChange       bool          `json:"user_can_change"`
	Notes []interface{} `json:"notes"`
	// SearchHit struct {
	// 	Score          float64 `json:"score"`
	// 	Highlights     string  `json:"highlights"`
	// 	NoteHighlights string  `json:"note_highlights"`
	// 	Rank           int     `json:"rank"`
	// } `json:"__search_hit__"`

// GetDocumentApiResponse is the response payload for /documents/{id} endpoint.
// But we are only interested in a subset of the fields.
type GetDocumentApiResponse struct {
	ID            int `json:"id"`
	Correspondent int `json:"correspondent"`
	// DocumentType        interface{}   `json:"document_type"`
	// StoragePath         interface{}   `json:"storage_path"`
	Title   string `json:"title"`
	Content string `json:"content"`
	Tags    []int  `json:"tags"`
	// Created             time.Time     `json:"created"`
	// CreatedDate         string        `json:"created_date"`
	// Modified            time.Time     `json:"modified"`
	// Added               time.Time     `json:"added"`
	// ArchiveSerialNumber interface{}   `json:"archive_serial_number"`
	// OriginalFileName    string        `json:"original_file_name"`
	// ArchivedFileName    string        `json:"archived_file_name"`
	// Owner         int           `json:"owner"`
	// UserCanChange bool          `json:"user_can_change"`
	Notes []interface{} `json:"notes"`

// Document is a stripped down version of the document object from paperless-ngx.
// Response payload for /documents endpoint and part of request payload for /generate-suggestions endpoint
type Document struct {
	ID            int      `json:"id"`
	Title         string   `json:"title"`
	Content       string   `json:"content"`
	Tags          []string `json:"tags"`
	Correspondent string   `json:"correspondent"`

// GenerateSuggestionsRequest is the request payload for generating suggestions for /generate-suggestions endpoint
type GenerateSuggestionsRequest struct {
	Documents              []Document `json:"documents"`
	GenerateTitles         bool       `json:"generate_titles,omitempty"`
	GenerateTags           bool       `json:"generate_tags,omitempty"`
	GenerateCorrespondents bool       `json:"generate_correspondents,omitempty"`

// DocumentSuggestion is the response payload for /generate-suggestions endpoint and the request payload for /update-documents endpoint (as an array)
type DocumentSuggestion struct {
	ID                     int      `json:"id"`
	OriginalDocument       Document `json:"original_document"`
	SuggestedTitle         string   `json:"suggested_title,omitempty"`
	SuggestedTags          []string `json:"suggested_tags,omitempty"`
	SuggestedContent       string   `json:"suggested_content,omitempty"`
	SuggestedCorrespondent string   `json:"suggested_correspondent,omitempty"`
	RemoveTags             []string `json:"remove_tags,omitempty"`

type Correspondent struct {
	Name              string `json:"name"`
	MatchingAlgorithm int    `json:"matching_algorithm"`
	Match             string `json:"match"`
	IsInsensitive     bool   `json:"is_insensitive"`
	Owner             *int   `json:"owner"`
	SetPermissions    struct {
		View struct {
			Users  []int `json:"users"`
			Groups []int `json:"groups"`
		} `json:"view"`
		Change struct {
			Users  []int `json:"users"`
			Groups []int `json:"groups"`
		} `json:"change"`
	} `json:"set_permissions"`